Professor Christopher Sweeney
Medical Oncologist
South Australian immunoGENomics Cancer Institute (SAiGENCI)
Dr. Sweeney is the inaugural Director of the South Australian immunoGENomics Cancer Institute (SAiGENCI), and a Professor of Medicine at the University of Adelaide. Dr. Sweeney completed his medical education at the University of Adelaide and then training in internal medicine at Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center in Wisconsin and then a fellowship in hematology and oncology at Indiana University. He then spent 7 years on faculty at Indiana and was appointed Associate Director for Clinical Research for the Simon Cancer Center. In 2009 Dr. Sweeney joined the Lank Center for Genitourinary Oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer and Harvard Medical School and promoted to full Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School in 2018. He returned to Adelaide in December 2022.