Professor Nathan Lawrentschuk
Royal Melbourne Hospital

Professor Nathan Lawrentschuk MBBS PhD FRACS is a trained Urologist specialising in Urological Cancer Surgery. He is a clinical and research Professor in the University of Melbourne, Department of Surgery and is Director of the Urology Department of the Royal Melbourne Hospital. After medical school at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Nathan completed his basic surgical training at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and then lectured as an Anatomy Demonstrator at Monash University and Stanford University (USA). He then undertook Urology training through the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons whilst also pursuing a PhD investigating hypoxia in kidney cancer jointly through the University of Melbourne and the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research. A formal two year Society of Urologic Oncology Fellowship was then completed through the University of Toronto, Princess Margaret Hospital in Canada where he developed his expertise in prostate, kidney bladder, testicular and penile cancer whilst also being trained in Robotic Surgery and laser prostatectomy. Nathan has a special interest in cancer high-risk surgery of the prostate, kidney, bladder and testis as well as being comfortable with active surveillance of many cancers where appropriate. Nathan is involved at many levels to progress cancer research. He is an Associate Editor of the BJUI and Editor of the Australian and New Zealand Supplement for the BJUI and he has over 500 peer-reviewed full journal article publications and nineteen book chapters and reviews for over thirty scientific journals as well as serving on multiple Editorial Board of international journals including Nature Reviews Urology.

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